NATO Use of Civil Standards Workshop by the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS), 7-9 February 2023


Francesca Galeotti, Senior Strategic Partnerships and Alliances Manager, represented HENSOLDT Analytics at the“NATO Use of Civil Standards Workshop”, which was held between the 7th and 9th of February on the Hellenic Armed Forces Officers Club (HAFOC) premises in Athens, Greece.

The event was organised by the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS) under the auspices of the NATO Standardization Management Group (SMG) and with the guidance of the NATO Committee of Standardization (CS). 

The “NATO Use of Civil Standards Workshop” was included in the CS “Action Plan on Strengthening Education and Training on NATO Standardization” and aimed to provide awareness of the NATO Standardization Policy, Structure and Procedures, focusing on the adoption of Civil Standards. This event contributed to bringing together the NATO standardization community, civil standards community, and industry to discuss the inclusion of practices and guidelines that leverage emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) in the Alliance.

We thank the organisers of the event, as well as the participants, for the productive conversations on the capabilities of AI and Big Data in meeting the critical challenges of today and tomorrow.

Photos courtesy of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS)

HENSOLDT Analytics
HENSOLDT Analytics

HENSOLDT Analytics is a global leading provider of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) systems and Natural Language Processing technologies, such as Automatic Speech Recognition, which are key elements for media monitoring and analysis.